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Hi! I'm Mabby!
(pronounced like MA-bee)
Hi. My name is Mabby and I will be shari

I'm a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) and I love to budget, plan, and organize. I am married to Eric, who is my high school sweetheart, and we have four children: Kaelyn, Liam, Nolan, and Christian. With 1 child in middle school, 1 in elementary school, and 2 under 3, life can get a bit chaotic, but I have established systems in our home that allow us to worry less about the everyday chaos and focus more of our energy on what's important to us. I know that not every system is foolproof, but by having these processes in place, that take care of most of our family's day to day tasks, it frees up our time to focus more on quality time with each other, focus more on God's plans for us, and even focus on some "me time" throughout the day.

Not only has our family's systems made our chaotic lives as a family of 6 way more manageable, they have made it easier for us to adjust to a new financial lifestyle as well. After becoming a SAHM a few years ago, our family went from earning 6 figures to less than $50k a year. It was a big change. HUGE. Ironically enough, we have more financial freedom now, than we did when my husband and I were both working full-time. For us to finally become debt-free on a single income, we had to not only make a drastic lifestyle change, but also figure out a way to sustain it for the long run. Thankfully, my skills in budgeting, planning, and organizing has taught our family to live on less, but not live less. Living debt-free has honestly been a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders. I hope our experiences and techniques can help others live the same way too.

The "M Word" Blog is a "Marriage" blog, a "Motherhood" blog, a "Money" blog, a "Messes" blog, and so much more. Overall, it's "my" blog, or in other words, "Mabby's" blog. This is my platform to share my stories, tips, hacks, must-haves, and must-do's, with anyone who is looking for some kind of direction in this crazy world.

I promise, there is a Method to my MABness. Welcome to The M Word!

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Marriage, Motherhood, Money, Messes, & More


© 2018 by Mabby Joy Branish

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